10 Underrated Anime in 2021 You Need To Watch


Due to the pandemic in 2021, you might have spent most of your time binge-watching a large number of animes, but due to the large number of options, a few good series may have slipped your radar. Ran Media has therefore brought you 10 underrated anime in 2021 in case you missed it.

1. Vivy : Fluorite Eye's Song

Vivy : Fluorite Eye's Song has recently been more well-known, therefore it's probable that in the future it won't be considered underestimated but rather well-liked. We certainly hope so, as it demands our attention. Watching it is strongly recommended if you enjoy Re:Zero - Tappei Nagatsuki is a co-creator of Vivy.

Vivy is the first artificial intelligence (AI) to ever have free will. She works at an amusement park and spends her days trying to provide joy to others by singing, but sadly not many guests pay her much attention. An AI from the future emerges and asks her assistance in preventing a catastrophic conflict that would take place in 100 years, interrupting her routine days. Little time is given for Vivy to think or plan before she is abruptly thrust into a difficult position she never could have anticipated.

2. The Saint's Magic Power Is Omnipotent  

Approximately five new isekai anime episodes debut each season. While the more well-known ones receive a lot of attention, the others frequently go unnoticed. Even if The Saint's Magic Power Is Omnipotent hasn't received much attention, it's still worth watching. The second girl is picked for the job after Sei Takanashi and another girl are both unintentionally drawn into a magical world where they must both become Saints in order to defend it from monsters.

Sei spends her time at the Flora Research Institute, unaware of any particular fate. She runs into the Third Order of Knights' leader there. Her life will change as a result of this encounter, awakening her holy potential.

3. SK8 The Infinity

SK8 the Infinity may or may not appear underappreciated, depending on which part of the Internet you frequent; it undoubtedly sparked a devoted following of outspoken and fervent supporters. Despite this, it didn't receive anywhere close to the amount of notice that the year's best shows did.

This anime, which is set in Okinawa, follows adolescent skateboarder Reki as he introduces his Canadian friend Langa to the world of S, an obscure skateboarding championship. Adam, the charismatic and aggressive creator of S, notices Langa. Langa will be in serious danger as a result, but he also has the opportunity to advance his abilities.

This anime is one you shouldn't miss because it has fantastic characters, incredible animation, and one of the chillest endings in anime history.

4. Odd Taxi

The fact that the characters in Odd Taxi are animals may entice you to overlook it. Don't. The characters will eventually begin to feel human, even though it takes some time to get acclimated to their animal nature. The narrative centres on the blunt-speaking cab driver Odokawa. He encounters all sorts of strange characters, from a pair of failed comedians to a nurse who may be taking medications from her place of employment.

Both the police and the yakuza are now looking for Odokawa after he was accused of being engaged in a case involving a missing female. Is he truly responsible? if not, who is it?

5. Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki

Many anime lovers didn't give Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki a chance because of how bland it seemed. However, despite the fact that its premise may seem basic, the character development is excellent. Gamer extraordinaire Fumiya Tomozaki is the top player of Attack Families, also known as Tackfam, in all of Japan. Unfortunately, his sole apparent strength is in gaming. He is lacking in almost every area, including social skills, grooming practises, and pretty about everything else.

He quickly learns that Aoi Hinami, another elite player, is a classmate of his and is everything he isn't: popular, intelligent, and outgoing. Hinami chooses to assist him in levelling up in life after admiring his gaming prowess but being unimpressed with the rest of him.

6. Super Cub

An iyashikei-inspired sports anime called Super Cub. It centres on Koguma, a high school student who has no parents, friends, interests, or objectives. She finds a used Honda Super Cub at a great price when she chooses to purchase a motor scooter. She now has many more opportunity to explore her town and forge new relationships with the residents thanks to her newfound access to a means of transportation.

7. Shadows House

In a vast palace that is isolated from the rest of humanity, an aristocratic family by the name of the Shadows resides. When their emotions are strong, The Shadows tend to emit soot from their featureless, pitch-black faces. When a Shadow child is about to reach adulthood, they are given a Living Doll who serves as both their attendant and has the possible face of the child.

The jovial Emilico was developed to help the timid and uneasy Kate Shadow. Emilico starts learning about the mysteries being hidden from her as she begins to get to know the other Shadows and their individual Dolls.

8. Those Snow White Notes

Setsu Sawamura is understandably upset when his dying grandfather orders him to either stop playing derivative shamisen or to stop playing it altogether. He moves to Tokyo from his small hometown in the hopes that the vibrant city will foster his creative inspiration. He decides to study in Umezono Academy with the help of his mother. He meets fellow shamisen enthusiast Shuri Maeda there, and the two of them launch a group dedicated to the instrument. Will this be sufficient to rekindle his love for his cherished instrument, or will he always be forced to imitate others' styles?

9. The Heike Story

Don't let bright colored animation fooled you, the series is darker than it's seems.The story revolves around Biwa, a young girl, defies the dominant Taira clan, also known as the Heike, and as a result, her father is brutally killed in front of her. While it would make sense for Biwa to completely avoid the clan going forward, she actually ends up developing an unexpected friendship with Taira no Shigemori, the leader's eldest son. Shigemori not only empathises with Biwa, but he also shares a significant trait with her. Shigemori's eye can see the spirits of the dead, while Biwa can predict the future with one of her eyes.

Shigemori takes Biwa in after hearing that she foretold the Heike's demise and is interested in learning more about her ominous prophecy. Is he able to save his clan? Even so, does he want to? And after what the clan did, will Biwa ever feel secure again?

10. Pretty Boy Detective Club

Based on a series of light novels by the same author who wrote Monogatari and Death Note: Another Note. Even though it probably won't have the same impact as the Monogatari anime, it's still a lot of fun. Mayumi Doujima made a promise to her parents that if she couldn't locate a particular star, she would give up her aspirations of becoming an astronaut. She did make that commitment, but she's not exactly eager to give up her dreams.

She accepts the Pretty Boy Detective Club at Yubiwa Academy's offer of assistance. The problem is that Mayumi possesses some extrasensory abilities that the group isn't really prepared to handle, and her quest has more significance than anyone realises.
