What is Black Scripture in Overlord ?

One of the Six Scriptures of the Slane Theocracy is the Black Scripture. They were regarded as the Six Scriptures' strongest scripture.

The Slane Theocracy's final trump card is Black Scripture, a special forces unit comprised of individuals with heroic-level abilities. They could even be thought of as a group of adamantite-ranked adventurers. However, there was one critical difference that distinguished the Black Scripture from most ardent adventurer groups: the equipment used by each of its members. In other words, they're wielding equipment derived from the arsenal of the Six Great Gods. While this is true, the Black Scripture are frequently assigned to extremely dangerous tasks, and as a result, they have a very high attrition rate.

Their status as the most powerful group within the Slane Theocracy and their use of the colour black are both signs that they adhere to Surshana's teachings, who is one of the Six Great Gods and the God of Death. Their Death God is not only the most potent of the Six Great Gods, but their group as a whole also possesses the most combat strength of the other Five Scriptures.

The Black Scripture has its own distinct culture that reflects the laws of their various patron gods even though it is a member of the larger Slane Theocracy. In the Theocracy, a person over the age of twenty will already be regarded as an adult according to the laws established by the Six Great Gods. In order to create a fake face, junior Black Scripture members would show up wearing magical masks when they went on missions.

Nigun Grid Luin asserted that Ainz Ooal Gown and other Archangel Flames could only be destroyed by the Black Scripture, demonstrating the power of their organisation. In contrast to Ainz, he didn't believe any of those Black Scripture members could defeat all the angels with a single spell.

Due to their incredible powers and the fact that they have the Six Gods' blood within them, the Black Scripture's most powerful and high-ranking members are considered to be demigods. When Shalltear Bloodfallen first encountered them, he thought Solution Epsilon, a member of the Pleiades, was stronger than the leader of their organisation. In the event that their group's might is insufficient to defeat a threat, the cardinals claimed that the Black Scripture can employ a large-scale ceremony to conjure the highest-ranked angel.

Candidates for induction into the Black Scripture had to reach the "Realm of Heroes," which was above level 30. Those who achieved this in the other Six Scriptures would then be transferred to the Black Scripture.

Members (2022)

Current Members

1st Seat: Captain of the Black Scripture

2nd Seat: Time Turbulence

3rd Seat: Four Great Spirits

4th Seat: Divine Chant

5th Seat: Quaiesse Hazeia Quintia, "One Man Army"

6th Seat: 6th Seat of the Black Scripture

7th Seat: Thousand Leagues Astrologer

8th Seat: Cedran, "Myriad Barriers"

9th Seat: Beaumarchais, "Divine Chain"

10th Seat: Strongest Human

11th Seat: Infinite Magic

12th Seat: Heaven and Earth

Former Members

Former 9th Seat: Clementine, "Windstride" (Defected)

Former 3rd Seat: Raymond Zarg Lauransan (Retired)

Former Extra Seat: Antilene Heran Fouche, "Certain Death" (Captured)
